Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Star Trek Prop, Costume & Auction Blog makes "Star Trek Top 50 Blogs" list!

Ok, it isn't like Trekmovie.com ranked Star Trek sites. But a serious Star Trek fan who maintains the Radiology Technician Schools website decided to make a list of the top 50 sites for Star Trek fans on the Internet. The Top 50 Blogs for Trekkies is a good list, with many sites you already know about.

Not ranked 1 to 50, but rather by category, the list serves as a resource as well, that you all should bookmark in your search for more information on your favorite TV show.

So, check it out and enjoy!

I for one, am going to have a well deserved few days off!



Unknown said...

Congratulations, Alec! I know that your blog is in the top 2-3 of Star Trek blogs that I read. Glad to see others are recognizing the continued excellence of your work here.


Carolan said...

Well done! I have been enjoying your blog for years now. It is the ONLY star trek blog that I visit. It is also one of my favorite webpages, star trek or otherwise. Keep up the good work!! Carolan