Friday, July 5, 2013

Screen Used Auction Saturday, July 6th!

Lyn Wright, a forum administrator at the Star Trek Prop, Costume & Auction Forum, is selling her Star Trek collection through the Screen Used auction that happens tomorrow.  Lyn is selling her collection in order to buy a house.   So it all goes to a good cause!  I hope you will check it out.

What is different about this auction, is that Lyn has a lot of less expensive items.  Set Dec, patches, wall hangings, props.  And all of them start at $ 100 with no reserve.  so you can probably get these items at a reasonable price.

There are costumes from TNG, DS9, Voyager and even a pair of TOS pants (though  not from Lyn).

Lots of great Klingon wall hangings!

Lyn has a lot of the set dec that hung on various walls, especially DS9.  This one is especially AWESOME.

Lyn loves Klingons, and has a ton of great set dec, like this Kllingon banner!

So go bid and help Lyn get her house!


Monday, July 1, 2013

John Eaves Offers Gold Plated Starships From "Nemesis"

John Eaves is selling two of the gold plated resin ship models he made for the Observation Lounge set in Star Trek Nemesis.  You can bid on them on eBay here.

From John Eaves:

Well the movie industry has been rather dry lately and there has been way too long of a gap in between jobs. So, sadly, I was going through my storage today and I came across some models I made for the film Star Trek "Nemesis". I am sorry to let them go, but so glad I had some movie memorabilia to let go in these tough times.  If you have seen First Contact or Nemesis the observation lounge set has a glass display case in which a series of all the Star Ships which bare the name Enterprise are beautifully featured. For the films, I was commissioned to build these models and have them gold plated to be featured in the set case. Over the span of the three films, First Contact, Insurrection, and Nemesis I had to build a lot of models. For Nemesis the list grew with the request to build and plate some additional models. The Voyager, the Grissom, the Excelsior, and the Reliant. We had two cases to fill and these models were to accompany the Enterprise models. The set was constructed in an arch with a display case on either side of a large video playback display. The Enterprise models were to be on the right side and the new non Enterprise models were to be on the left. While the new ships were being plated the shooting schedule changed and the set had to be used sooner than later, because of this a double set of the Enterprise models were set in both cases. The new models barely made it back in time, but due to the amount of work involved to change them out it wasn't worth the effort, so in the end the new ships were ditched for the two sets of the Enterprises.  

The USS Grissom
 This model is a solid resin casting off of the original shooting miniature from Star Trek 3, "The Search for Spock" and is rather heavy.   Artcraft Plating in Burbank did the gold plating for all three movies worth of ships and their process got better with each film.  The Grissom is approx. 17" long and has mounting holes in the bottom. This is a real nifty piece for the hard core collector. If you want to read more about these models go to my blog "eavesdropping with johnny" and in the search window, type in the golden enterprise and more of the golden starships. 

The USS Reliant

This model is a solid resin cast piece and is rather heavy.  Artcraft Plating in Burbank did the gold plating for all three movies worth of ships and their process got better with each film.  The Reliant is approx. 18" long and has mounting holes in the bottom. This is a real nifty piece for the hard core collector. If you want to read more about these models go to my blog "eavesdropping with johnny" and in the search window, type in the golden enterprise and more of the golden starships.