Friday, October 21, 2011

Star Trek Exhibition Set Up - Day 1

Well, today was the first day helping out with the Star Trek Archive and it meant being in St. Louis at the St. Louis Science Center setting up the Star Trek Exhibition. 

First up, both the USS Enterprise and USS Voyager, which were both practically destroyed when they were removed from Star Trek: The Experience in Las Vegas, were repaired and resurrected!  Here they are hanging in the museum.

Next, we confirmed that the McCoy tunic is in fact an original TOS McCoy!  More photos on this soon.

There were actually TWO Spock Maroons in the exhibit.  This one has a Shatner undershirt, but Nimoy jacket and pants.  I would expect this one to get sold in the future (maybe the 50th Anniversary auction).  The other is more complete.

And finally I got to handle a LOT of models.  :-)

And CBS is VERY serious about a 50th anniversary auction for Star Trek.  The discussions are already underway.  It may be 5 years away, but I already have one significant collector committing his entire collection to that auction.

More to come.


1 comment:

Destructor1701 said...

Hi there,
I'm so glad to see that the Enterprise and Voyager have been restored. I found it very galling to watch that footage of the work crews callously hacking these works of art to bits.

I posted this blog entry on reddit, and some there are wondering if you know what fate befell the Enterprise-D and Bird Of Prey models?