Friday, October 31, 2014

These Are The Voyages Season 3 on Kickstarter!

Finally!  The long awaited final volume in the definitive account of the making of the original Star Trek TV Series is ready to go to the printer. And you can help by getting your copy on Kickstarter and help the Axanar film project at the same time.

If you don't know of These Are The Voyages, it is a series of three books detailing the making of Star Trek: The Original Series.  The first two volumes have been released over the last two years, and the third volume is waiting to go to print.  And you can make that happen and get a copy by Christmas!

Season 3  is 754 pages long and includes 456 photographs. However, Jacobs Brown Press has decided to delay publication until sometime in 2015 to allow more fans to discover Season One and Season Two. Author Marc Cushman wants it out sooner, and so do many who have already read Season One and Season Two. So we are launching this Kickstarter to get Season Three published this year.  And you can get your copy before anyone, as well as get discounted copies of the first two volumes.

OK, why dawdle here when you can go over to Kickstarter and find out all the info, see a video from author Marc Cushman and find out why every TOS fan must have these books!

Go here:

And help get Star Trek history printed!


Saturday, October 18, 2014

Profiles Auction 65 - Star Trek Preview

Profiles Auction # 65 has some impressive items.  And despite following the Prop Store Auction and happening a month before the Screen Used Auction, the Profiles quality stands out as always.  

After hopping around to 3 different auction sites over 4 years, Profiles is finally back to Live Auctioneers.  Thank God, I was tired of registering for a new auction site every other auction they did.  Live Auctioneers remains the gold standard for online auction providers.  Having worked with them at Propworx, I can tell you their system is rock solid.  You can find the online auction for Profiles here.

There are 43 items in total, with a lot being paperwork.  

The auction starts off with Lot # 1288, an original script for "The Cage".  Starting at $ 2,000 may seem steep for a script, but heck, this is The Cage so I think that a price in the $ 3,000 - 5,000 range is not inappropriate.

 Plus it is signed by both Director Robert Butler (a TV legend) and Leonard Nimoy.

If you are a fan of Star Trek: The Animated Series, then Lot # 1293, the TAS storyboard lot, is for you.  Very cool stuff we haven't seen before. A low opening bid, means this could be a good deal.

Lot # 1296 is a pair of Ceti Eels.  One has lost a bunch of pieces (included), the other looks pretty good.  Remember, these are foam latex, so will continue to deteriorate.  There are already 2 bidders and an opening bid of $ 2,000.  

Lot # 1299 is the Khan costume.   And at an opening bid of $30,000, with an estimate of $30,000-50,000, the Khan costume is clearly the best Star Trek item in this auction. Not for the faint of heart, but certainly the centerpiece of a collection.

Lot # 1300 is the Galileo model from Star Trek V is nice, but not a screen used piece.  The hull was production made, and the rest added on later and the model finished.  So this won't be appealing to the very hard core model collector, but it is nice none the less.

The Picard costume is an awesome Season One example and the last one of these went in Profiles for $ 13,000, so this might go high.  However, the one piece jumpsuit is not as desirable as the two piece that came later.  Comes with screen used pips and a replica badge.

Jonathan Frakes is selling his Star Trek collection.  He has two great costumes offered here.  Lot #1311 is his traditional red and black command costume.  It has an original comm badge and a rather high $8,000 opening bid.  So with BP, this is almost $ 10,000, a price unheard here.  I say pass. 

Lot #1312 is Riker's Voyager style jumpsuit from "Generations".  At an opening bid of  $6,000, meaning with BP this is over $ 7,000, this is also pretty high.  I just don't see this worth more than $ 5,000 since it isnt his main uniform we saw him in for years.  But hey, there are plenty of Riker fans out there.

Lot # 1322 is a Mark X Static Tricorder.   I think the problems with these Tricorders is that Michael Moore of HMS, who made most of these for Star Trek, and who authenticates these for Profiles, can't be trusted.  He has been passing off replicas as real for years and is simply not reliable.  See here.  And at a rather high opening bid of $ 2,000, unless this can be screen matched, I pass.

Lot # 1324, the Ferengi D’kora class Marauder ship master model is interesting.  It isn't a screen used model, but the master that the molds were made from.  That being said, I think this is a bit strong at $6-8,000, but not unreasonable.  It will take a certain type to want this.

Lot # 1326 is a nose cast of the Phoenix from "First Contact".  It is interesting, though not screen used.  There are a few of these out there.  A very fair $ 1,000 opening bid make this attractive.

I used to own Lot # 1327, which is Captain Picard's desktop monitor from "Insurrection".  I love this piece and think it is worth $ 2-3,000.  It is solid metal.  This is the non-light up static version seen from behind.

Lot # 1328 is the Cousteau Captain's Yacht plaque.  A low opening bid is nice.  I want to know the provenance though as there are a ton of dedication plaques out there.  If interested, contact Brian at Profiles who will tell you what he knows.

FInally is Lot # 1330, the Type 2 Dolphin Phaser from Nemesis.  Again, I want to know provenance, but this is a cool prop, which I own an example of myself.  I wouldn't go higher than $ 1,500 on this as these have been out there and the new phasers don't get much beyond $2,000.  

OK, well, those are my thoughts.   As always, I am available to chat with anyone who wants my insight, and Iw ill be at Profiles tomorrow.  

Good hunting!


Thursday, October 16, 2014

Prop Store Tricorder a Replica

Thanks to David on the Star Trek Prop, Costume & Auction Forum, we just heard from Ed Miarecki that the Tricorder offered in the Prop Store Auction, Lot # 290, is in fact a replica.

Posted Today, 08:14 AM
Be advised, the Prop Store of London
Lot 290 of 378:
STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION (1987-1994) - Light-Up Mark VII Tricorder

Is NOT screen used. From Ed Miarecki himself;

Hi David,

Good to hear from you again...Well, I can definitely give you a bombshell to drop on this item.

Yes, I did indeed make this prop...but NOT for the TNG series. This prop was custom made for a Star Trek display in Edinburgh Scotland, (you can probably research that). The evidence is the power supply and jack on the back side. I purposely made it that way at the request from Herman Zimmerman (producer), so that it could run constantly during the event. In all other aspects, it was made very similar to the props made for the series, but is definitely NOT screen-used. 

I am very curious as to how this auction house acquired it. Please keep me informed...and thanks, for bringing this to my attention.

I am quite disappointed as Prop Store told me they authenticated this item.  So the question is who they had authenticate it, as they clearly don't have the expertise to be authenticating these items.

I have contacted Stephen, Brandon and Tim with this info and asked them to make this note when the item comes up for bid today.

Thanks to David for his great work here.



Monday, October 13, 2014

Prop Store Auction - Star Trek Preview

Thursday, October 16th, Prop Store is having its first ever auction.  There are 378 lots, 13 of which are Star Trek lots.  However, there are a lot of issues a collector needs to deal with before buying in this auction.  

It is an expensive auction to take part in because it is happening in the UK and not in the USA.  Because of this, EU buyers will be paying almost 50% ABOVE the Hammer price (BP & VAT) and US buyers will not only be paying 25% in fees, but 20% VAT tax on the Buyer's premium PLUS shipping from the UK.

I got to be honest, having this auction in the UK is not a good decision for bidders.  Prop Store should have one this auction out of their US office. I can only think they believe they have more EU customers than US customers.

So before we dive into reviewing those items, a few notes on the auction.

1)  It is happening in the UK.  Meaning the auction happens 7 hours ahead of Pacific Time.

2)  The prices are all in UK Pounds.  So pay attention to that.  Currently £1 GBP = $ 1.61. 

3)  There is a 20% Buyer's Premium, PLUS 3% for bidding online, PLUS 2% for credit cards.

If you are in the EU you will also have to pay 20% VAT PLUS 20% VAT on the Buyer's Premium!

If you are outside of the EU you will still be responsible for 20% VAT on the Buyer's Premium for lots with a dagger or omega next to them.

OK, got all, that? I have to say that a lot of collectors have expressed that they will not be partaking in this auction due to the high costs.  Plus, the day AFTER this auction, Profiles starts its 4 day auction.  So I think that unless you really want something, passing is not a bad idea.  I wish this auction was in the US as I think it would have been much more interesting and affordable!

So let's start the review.

Lot # 282, 283  Star Trek II Scripts

I think these are both nice items, which are not a bad deal at less than $ 500.  Note the estimate is £200-300 each.  That is $ 320-480 and so keep in the that range and even with a 25% Buyer's Premium, and VAT you are OK.

Lot # 284  USS Excelsior Bridge Concept Art

An interesting item though I am not sure what this will bring.  I have found Star Trek concept art all over the board, but rarely very expensive.  Does this item sing to you?  If so, go for it.  But don't go overboard.

Lot # 285  Vulcan Planet Concept Art

Much more interesting and very recognizable.  I happen to like this piece so I think at the estimate of £400 - 600 or roughly $ 650 - $ 1,000 it is not a bad deal.  Note the size.  It is small at 8" x 14".

Lot # 286  Bird of Prey Landing Concept Art

A beautiful piece, but is it worth £2,000 - 3,000, or $3,200 - 4,800 PLUS Buyer's Premium PLUS VAT?   I think this is just way too high. But again, Star trek concept art is all over the place but I dont think this is worth that much.  Again, note the size of 8" x 14".

Lot # 287   Captain Kirk Costume

This Kirk costume is nice, and relatively complete.  This was lot # 850 at Christie's and sold there for $ 9,600 with premium.  (Christie's sale results for the Star Trek auction are here)So here Prop Store thinks it is worth $ 16,000 - $ 19,000. 

I doubt it.  This simply isn't a very desirable Kirk costume.  It isn't a Starfleet uniform, but it was his costume in Star Trek III/IV.   This costume really hasn't gone up in value IMHO since Christie's in 2006.  I think it would be strong at $ 10,000.  Where Prop Store is looking I say pass.

Lot # 288 is a beautiful Ralph McQuarrie Starfleet HQ study painting.  While stunning, it is a very small 8" x 10" and I don't think this is worth anywhere close to £3-5,000, which translates to roughly $ 5,000 - 8,000.  

My guess is this piece won't sell. I think it is a $ 2,000 piece because of its small size.  If it was large, I might say their estimate is right.  But it is tiny.

Lot 289 is the Assassin's Boots from Star Trek VI and there are at least two US collectors who I know will go after these as they have helmets.   Listed with an estimate of £1,500 - 2,000, these will go in the £2,000 - 3,000 range is my guess.  That is roughly $3,000 - 5,000.

Lot 290, the Tricorder, lacks provenance.  Where is this from?  Who authenticated it?  Without these questions answered I think it is problematic.  So if you are interested, call Prop Store and find out.  If it is real, then I think their estimate of £2-2,500, or $ 3,200 - 4,000 is pretty fair.

Lot # 291 "Lessons" keyboard.  

A very cool prop, that is sadly deteriorating badly.  I think the estimate is probably a bit high at £2-2,500, or $ 3,200 - 4,000.  I see this as a $2,000 - $2,500 piece, unless someone really has a strong feeling for the episode.  Remember, you have to add 25% if bidding online and paying with a credit card PLUS a 20% tax on the Buyer's Premium.

Lot # 292 Star Trek (2009) Starfleet Cadet Uniform

I know this costume well.  My two friends passed this between them back and forth for $1,500 for a few years. So at the listed £2,000 - 3,000, or $3,200 - 4,800 PLUS Buyer's Premium PLUS VAT, I think this is just way too high.  Plus, there were hundreds of these made.  And eventually they will all get out.

Lot # 293 Romulan Costume

This has an estimate of £1,500 - 2,000.  Remember that is POUNDS.  Meaning that is $2,400 - 3,200.  Add BP plus VAT and I think this is just too expensive.    I don't think this is more than a $ 2,000 costume.

Lot # 294 Romulan Disruptor Rifle

As with the above pieces, this is from the original Julien's auction where a bunch of Star Trek 2009 items were auctioned off for JJ Abrahms.  It also has an estimate of £1,500 - 2,000.  Probably worth $ 2,000 - 3,000 max.  Again, the addition of the Buyer's Premium, VAT and shipping makes this OK at the low end, but expensive at the high end of the estimate.

Well, those are my thoughts.  Understand these are merely my opinions based on my involvement in this hobby since 2006 and studying these items at length.  I am generally pretty accurate as to my valuations, which I base on past market results and a general understanding on the state of the market.  I think the Star Trek market is not particularly strong.  Certainly don't buy any of these for an investment.  Buy only what you love and then pay only what you can afford.


Sunday, October 12, 2014

Doug Drexler Previews The Gary Hutzel Collection

From Doug Drexler:

Happy Sunday morning! Grab a cuppa whatever, and get ready to take a time trip with old Doug!

When you work on a television show for many years, especially one like Star Trek, and particularly at the time that we did, you end up with all kinds of stuff that would otherwise have been thrown away. I know a statement like that... "stuff that would have otherwise been thrown away"... usually starts a firestorm of criticism of the studio. You don't need to say that today. Looky, you know what a geek I am about this stuff, yet I understand that the studio cannot save everything from all of their productions. Also remember that at the time, auctions where fans could own a piece of the show were non-existent. Storing stuff was not economically feasible. Sometimes just building a crate to store something costs more than the model did! Not to mention renting a place to keep it all. Star Trek at it's peak had huge storage north of LA. That adds up. Not everything could be saved. Thankfully, peeps like Gary couldn't bear to see stuff go into the crusher. So into personal storage it would go, and some of it not to see the light of day again for over twenty years.

There is a certain point where you realize that you need to shake it all out, and get it into the hands of people who will take care of it for another generation. I went through it a couple of years ago myself. My friend, Alec Peters, and his Propworx company, organized an auction in conjunction with Paramount. I'm very happy knowing that all of my precious toys are in the hands of people who will cherish and take care them. A lot of it is culturally significant. Of course, at the time, most folks didn't know that. I knew it, the Okudas did, Gary did. So here we are. I gave Alec a call, and we met up a Gary's storage space, just an hour north of the city, in the high desert.

It's a strange experience. An archeological dig. But not just that. It's like excavating a slice of your life. For years we met up with Gary at Image G, and watched the models on a stick, all twinkly and bright, being orbited by motion control cameras. The heightened sensations that you experienced came from being a big geeky fan, but also the sense that this was not just goofing around for fun. It had to get done, on time, on schedule, and on budget. There was an immovable airdate. You mess with that, and you could mess up you career. A lot of adrenaline makes for vivid memories.

I always carry my Canon Rebel, and so you are there! Boxes of artifacts that hadn't seen the light of day since the world was new! We were back with Gary and the toys, but at the other end of the time tunnel. A great time for reflection, and to also think about all of the adventures that Gary and I, and all of us have had since the 1990s, and still... right up to the present day.

The complete photo album  is on Facebook here.

Future Enterprise additional nacelle from "All Good Things".

All of the above items plus a whole ton more will be available in the Propworx Star Trek auction.
