Sunday, October 9, 2011

What's coming to

Well, more changes are coming to this blog.  First, I have started another website, which is not up yet,, which is a project I am working on with CBS to develop a photo archive of Star Trek props, costume and set pieces.  It will be entirely informational, and an archive and not have any of the views, opinions or the broader collecting articles of this site.

I will be looking for contributors from the hobby, as I know there are a lot of you who do great work. (Steve Thomas, Gerald Gurian and Jorg I am speaking to you!).

Every single item in my collection is being photographed and will be making their way to both sites.  

And for now I am working on tagging every blog article on this site for the last 5 years.  So that will take some time, but it is well under way.  You can see the tags in the right column.

So stay tuned!


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