Week 48 Results
IAW is working with a reduced staff now. I believe Holly left, so assuming that means it is just Colin doing the listings, that is why we are only seeing 50 items a week.
Prices continue to drop, though a few new bidders came into the mix recently. Unique items will continue to go at strong levels, though items we see many of are coming down significantly.
The Sub-Commander T'Pol costume went for a strong $ 4,206. About where I would think these should. An identical one went for $ 4978 in week 23. This was T'Pol's first costume and so very recognizable.
The DS9/Feature Film "Klingon Costume Lot" at $ 2,651 was intriguing as it had a piece worn by Christopher Lloyd as "Kruge" in ST III. Still, it is incomplete and so I think it went high.
The Dr. Bashir uniform went about right at $ 1,876. Being the jacket version, rather than the jumpsuit, it is a bit rarer.
The Enterprise T'Pol costume went at a reasonable $ 1,581. It was featured in "A Night in Sickbay" and any T'Pol uniform at this price level is a pretty good deal.
The Engineer's White radiological suit went at a very reasonable $ 1,325. There have been a lot of these, so the prices have been dropping. Now, since IAW found all the boots for the White and Orange Radiation Suits, these will all be somewhat complete.
The Voyager Vorik costume went for a very reasonable $ 1,103. I think it is a good deal when you can get a named character costume at this level. Vorik wasn't in a ton of episodes of Voyager, but enough to be memorable.
The feature film "Crewman's Starfleet uniform" went about right at $ 932. This one had sneakers with a Starfleet logo which were interesting, but no one is quite sure if these were actually used. Seems crewman had typical Starfleet boots.
The Chakotay Away Team Mission Uniform at $ 908 was a good deal as this even had boots and rank pip. It's a really good looking costume and I am sure it will look great on display because of the materials used.
The Romulan Blue Senator's Robes at $ 860 was a bit strong, but these are costumes you have to see to appreciate. I highly recommend them as I have a set and they look beautiful on display.
As far as props go:
The Enterprise NX Beta Flight Control Center Wall Panel went for a reasonable $ 1,895 for a very cool, and rather large panel. I love this as it has a few silhouettes of the NX Prototype from "First Flight" and will make an impressive wall display. It went to a new buyer as well.
The Federation Alliance LCARS panel went for $ 1,325 and was very cool. These pieces look great when displayed as part of a collection of props and costumes. I almost bid on this one, but am trying to save my money for really outstanding pieces lately.
At $ 1,026 the Vulcan Stones & Container from "The Andorian Incident" appealed to those Vulcan collectors and was won by my
buddy Jordino, who has a very big Vulcan collection.
The Vulcan Lirpa Prop Weapon at $ 942 is about where these always go. I really want one of these, as it has to be the most recognizable alien weapon because of "Amok Time".
The DS9 Small Cloaking Device at $ 877 was a great deal. A pretty cool prop, the reason this is such a great deal is that this is really well made with lots of metal.
Best Costume of the Week: The Sub-Commander T'Pol costume at $ 4,206.
Best Prop of the Week: The Enterprise NX Beta Flight Control Center Wall Panel at $ 1,895 was very cool and will look awesome hung on someone's wall.Best Buy of the week: The DS9 Small Cloaking Device at $ 877 was a steal!
Worst Buy of the week: No bad deals this week!
Sleeper of the Week: 22nd Century Electrical Prod at $ 204 was a great deal on a Klingon weapon!
Star Trek: Enterprise Sub-Commander T'Pol costume at $ 4,206
Star Trek: DS9/Feature Film "Klingon Costume Lot" at $ 2,651
Star Trek: Enterprise NX Beta Flight Control Center Wall Panel at $ 1,895
Star Trek: DS9 Dr. Bashir uniform at $ 1,876
Star Trek: Enterprise T'Pol costume at $ 1,581
Join the Star Trek Prop, Costume and Auction Forum. It is THE source for information on Star Trek props and costumes and the IAW auctions. Almost all the big bidders are members, and their is lots to learn. Plus we just launched Live Chat and you can join in every week during the auctions.
Week 47 Results
There was no Week 46 as IAW listed no items. So although this is the 46th week of auctions, we are listing it as week 47 makes no sense to me, but BP insisted!
Interestingly there were only 46 items this week. IAW looks like it was getting a slow start after the move, which is probably a good idea. And the items were overall pretty weak.
The costume selection was really weak.
The top costume was the DS9 Major Kira Nerys Bajoran Uniform Lot which went for a reasonable $ 2,025 for a pretty sharp costume. The undershirt really makes the costume here and sets this Kira apart.
Star Trek: Voyager Pathfinder Admiral Uniform was not bad at $ 1,325, but not complete in that it didn't have the all important belt. It requires 4 rank pins (which you can get from Brett at Federation Surplus as he did mine for my Admiral Janeway!).
The best costume has to be the TOS Tellarite Costume which went to my good friend Giles Aston from the UK. Sure the costume is falling apart, but what a piece of history and at $ 910, a great price!
After that the selection took a nose dive!
As far as props go:
The Voyager Bothen Ship model at $ 6,600 was the top selling prop for the week. A nice model, it went strong, but not out of reason.
The DS9: Bajoran Dark Orb went for $ 3,050, which was a bit high I think, when you consider that two Orbs and an Ark went for $ 4,500 at Christies (before buyer's premium). It is nice, and an important prop, I just think that is a strong price.
I LOVED the Enterprise Starfleet Power Cell which went for a reasonable $ 2,605. If you look at all the photos you can see the incredible detail on this piece. It lights up, pieces move. Just a stunning prop.
The Romulan Disruptor Pistol with Holster at $ 1,314 was a beauty. I have one of these and they really are striking.
The Electronic Borg Arm at $ 1,281 was a great prop too as it was lighted and it moved! Pretty reasonable at this price I think.
I thought the TNG Mark VI Tricorder at $ 1,125 was a great deal. It didn't have the Medical scanner for the back, but still a smokin deal! This is such an iconic prop and the price was superb.
Best Costume of the Week: The TOS Tellarite Costume at $ 910 is a piece of history!
Best Prop of the Week: The Enterprise Starfleet Power Cell at $ 2,605 was an amazing prop. fantastic details in multiple media.
Best Buy of the week: The TNG Mark VI Tricorder at $ 1,125 was the best deal for a classic prop!
Worst Buy of the week: No bad deals this week!
Sleeper of the Week: The Klingon pistol and holster at $ 679 was a GREAT deal!
Star Trek: Voyager Bothen Ship model at $ 6,600
Star Trek: DS9: Bajoran Dark Orb at $ 3,050.
Star Trek: Enterprise Starfleet Power Cell at $ 2,605.
Star Trek: DS9 Major Kira Nerys Bajoran Uniform Lot at $ 2,025.
Star Trek: Voyager Pathfinder Admiral Uniform at $ 1,325.
Join the Star Trek Prop, Costume and Auction Forum. It is THE source for information on Star Trek props and costumes and the IAW auctions. Almost all the big bidders are members, and their is lots to learn. Plus we just launched Live Chat and you can join in every week during the auctions.
OK, I have a few items I have decided to part with as they don't fit in my collection any more. Terms are flexible, so if you like something and need a few weeks to pay, no problem. Prices are what I paid for them. Shipping is additional.

Decker Jumpsuit from Star Trek: TMP. Won it at Christie's. Western Costume costume labels read "Stephen Collins". $ 1,900

This is an Alien PADD used in the Voyager episode "Nightingale". Very cool with nice graphics and accents. Comes with IAW COA. $ 810
IAW description: A PADD (Personal Access Display Device) featured in Star Trek episodic television. Made from molded black plastic this item is uniquely shaped and features a handle with metallic silver grip highlights and an elongated octagonal ‘display screen’ with a graphical application depicting a variety of multi-colored alien character letters. The item measures approx. 7.5 X 6.5 inches.
Starfleet Special Services Costume from Star Trek III/IV. Original belt. Comes with IAW COA. $ 1,325
IAW description:
A full length red jumpsuit with black sleeves and powder blue cuffs, neck, and accents, this uniform also features a powder blue colored ‘Earthbase' personnel shoulder patch on the left arm depicting the ‘Sol system’. The waist features a pair of sewn in belt loops for the included black leather belt with metal ‘crewman’s’ style (silver) belt buckle featuring the logo of Starfleet, the back of the costume features a system of Velcro, zipper, snaps and clasps to seal it, and the accompanying costume tag reads ‘Special Services, Federation Security Council Corridor’.
email me at alecpeters@bellsouth.net if interested.
Well, it seems that the two weeks off may have done some good for IAW. Many of the outstanding issues buyers have had with IAW (that I know about because they have been posted on the Star Trek Prop, Costume and Auction Forum) have been resolved. Some have not.
Two of my friends only had their issues resolved because they charged back their credit cards; a tactic that seems to get an immediate response from IAW.
Responses to emails are still sporadic. But if you push hard enough, you will usually get an answer. Don't be afraid to press hard. Today Dom, after a hard email on my part, resolved my two outstanding issues quite quickly.
If you have an outstanding issue, you should log it on the IAW Master Issues Thread on the Forum, and don't let up till you get it resolved.
Well, I just went through my Google Analytics account and was surprised how popular this blog is!
Here are the numbers:
1,362 Unique Visitors for the month of October.
That is more people reading this blog every month than have bid on the IAW auctions!
6,024 total visits for the month of October.
8,406 total page views for the month of October.
And since I began the blog last December:
6,642 Unique Visitors
38,172 total visits
65,909 total page views
Thanks to everyone for all your support!
Week 45 Results
Well, with IAW's move, there was only one item that sold last week. The Romulan Senate stools, which went to Jason (a mullet is a fashion statement) Stevens for a reasonable $ 809.99
These have gone anywhere from $ 585 to $ 1,635. So Jason bought them right. These are cool props and I know I want a pair! They will look great in the Romulan section of my collection.
Best Costume of the Week: Sorry, no costumes
Best Prop of the Week: A tough race to call. But the Romulan Senate stools, edged out the competition.
Best Buy of the week: The Romulan Senate stools were a great deal!
Worst Buy of the week: The Romulan Senate stools were too much!
Sleeper of the Week:The Romulan Senate stools snuck by some people.
Star Trek: Nemesis Romulan Senate stools at $ 809.99
Need to vent about the problems you are having with IAW and find friends to help you get a resolution? You need to join the Star Trek Prop, Costume and Auction Forum. It is THE source for information on Star Trek props and costumes and the IAW auctions. Almost all the big bidders are members, and their is lots to learn. Plus we just launched Live Chat and you can join in every week during the auctions.