Monday, March 24, 2008

Cool Item of the Week - Week 65

We have instituted a new award each week, the "Cool Item of the Week". Each week, the members of the Star Trek Prop, Costume & Auction Forum nominate and vote on what is the coolest item of that week.

This week:

The Borg Costume was the big winner and deservedly so. It was quite a beauty.

The Enterprise Half a Missile came in second (maybe if it was a whole missle things would have been different!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi I am trying to locate an image of a klingon ship prop from episode that was cancelled and never aired that wa sold at cristies.
It allegedly was identical to very simlar to this one found at reality uncovered dot com ..see memewars page

It may, and I say may, have been used to in the hoax models called drones.
I tried looking up the last known klingon time capable ships or class that were used in the dominion wars.
but I saw nothing like the this one. I hope you or a colleague familar with the auction would have seen it. the model was about 2 or so ft , which would have made t an extremely detailed prop, given the stuff it had on in later sightings.
Thanx for your help.
I can be reached